The development will harness the site’s many existing natural assets and form a sustainable green infrastructure network, improve biodiversity and connect people with nature.
- The preservation of existing wooded areas, notably those south of the Loxley River within the site’s boundaries.
- Protection and enhancement of the landscape along the new blue river corridor.
- Tree removal will be limited to what is required within the existing hard surfaced areas as self-set trees to facilitate the intended development.
- Any self-set tree removal will be more than compensated for in the planting of over a thousand new trees across the site within and around the new development clusters.
- Plot boundaries will be formed of native trees, hedgerows and plants for a natural aesthetic and to allow local biodiversity to move freely across the site. Some swales and ditches will be used to encourage habitats for amphibians and reptiles.
- Village greens to provide informal open areas for children’s play that blend into the natural scenery and provide informal areas for wildlife and children free of cars.
- Split freehold / leasehold plots. Homes and gardens for the domestic curtilage will be freehold land and with larger plots the remaining land will be leasehold with restrictions on use for biodiversity. The freehold interest will remain with the community management company to prevent domestic creep or legal breach.